Food can be used as a beauty product


Every body know very well that the women’s biggest weakness is this, that they want to look beautiful & younger then other lady and want to achieve this purpose every lady work hard and try their level best to get their goal. Some ladies buy expensive products for their skin care and a number of women’s visits beauty saloons. In this way they waste their time and money both. And unfortunately a majority of ladies even can’t afford the both nor cosmetics, neither beautician’s therapies.

But it is not necessary that the women or girls must buy expensive creams and lotions and misuse their money for beauty products. Now every lady can made skin care and hair care products in their own houses without wasting money. Some of the nearly all cheap and affective beauty products don’t come from a stylish saloon or parlors. Ladies can find them in their own kitchen very easily. We can use food as a beauty product to tone our skin. Can lighten dark circles, remove acne and pimples and can thicker and shiner our hairs very simply. A few simple steps and some fresh ingredients make your beauty process successful.

Take one egg and just use a yolk of egg, put the yolk of egg in the bowl and one spoon full of honey and then mix it smoothly. After mixing now you can use it as a refreshing mask for your skin. It will give you smother and shinning skin later than wash your skin. And if you have acne or pimple problem then you can use the white of egg with a full spoon of rose water or lemon juice. It will help your skin to remove the oiliness and dirt’s of the face and you will feel your face smooth and soft. For hands and foot care you can use olive oil and honey, mix olive oil and honey and rub it on your hands and feet. It will make your hands and feet smoother, softer and lovely.

Hair care is a big problem of every woman. Shinning, thick and strong hairs are the dream of every lady. And we can find the interpretation of our dreams simply and easily. Just take one egg, small quantity of hair oil, two spoons full of yogurt and mix them in the bowl. Mix them smoothly and after mixing, apply this mixture in the roots of the hairs and leave it for one hour. After one hour wash your hairs with shampoo. This hair care mask will improve your hairs and you can get shinning hairs soon.
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Menopause H.R.T.


What is menopause HRT? It is hormone replacement therapy. In the past days HRT was highly recommended for the treatment of menopause and menopausal symptoms. HRT therapy also recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis and heart disease in ladies. Hormone replacement therapy is used to supplement the body with estrogen alone or estrogen and progesterone in combination, after and before menopause. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones. And these hormones produced by the ovaries of women’s.. In menopause the ovaries cannot produce the sufficient amount of these two hormones then HRT can be given to supplement the body with sufficient levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones.

But the question arise here that why the doctors supplement the body with these two hormones so estrogen and progesterone both jointly thicken the lining of the uterus and prepare it for the implantation of fertilized eggs. Estrogen look after that how the body uses calcium and also play role when important minerals uses in the building of bones, and helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in blood. Estrogen as well keeps the vagina healthy. And other hormone progesterone used with estrogen in women’s who still have their uterus. In these women’s if only uses estrogen without progesterone then it can increases the estrogen levels in women and can cause of cancer in women’s. Progesterone reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by making the endometrial shed each month. As a result the ladies who have the progesterone may have monthly bleeding. Monthly bleeding can be tapering or may be in some cases eradicated because of using the estrogen and progesterone hormones both. The ladies whose don’t have uterus, no need to use progesterone.

There are two main types of Hormone Replacement Therapy. Estrogen therapy and progesterone & estrogen therapy. Estrogen therapy, in this therapy estrogen uses alone. Often doctors suggest the low amount of estrogen in the form of pills or patch everyday or it can be in form of cream but should be use in low quantity. This therapy alleviates the menopause and its symptoms and reduces the osteoporosis.

Second one therapy is progesterone and estrogen therapy, in this therapy the doctors uses the estrogen and small amount of progesterone in combination. These two hormones in combination can be given mountainously to stop monthly bleeding which can happen when combination is used. The current recommendation is that the combination should be given in small quantity for use for the treatment of menopause.
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Use of beauty products in past


The use of cosmetics has been experienced for thousands of years for modification of look and form of women’s and men’s both. Ladies have been used red Rose Patel for lips and black kohl for eyes beauty. Various kinds of fragrances and oils have been utilized for ceremonies and religious gatherings for long time. In ancient Egypt upper class or high society natives used minerals on their faces to provide color and sharpness of features. The Greeks were known to paint their faces. And on the other hand the Romans used oil based perfumes in bath and fountains.

In the past days the women’s of Asia and especially the royal families persons used the expensive fragrances and different kind of stuff in order to increase their beauty and charming look. Especially the royal Mughal princess and Queens utilized red rose Patel’s for lip beauty. They put kohl in eyes for elegant sparkle of eyes. And I have heard that at that time several ladies used turmeric for skin loveliness.

Even the Roman Lucian is renowned to have talked about women and cosmetics in his time and that they used to teeth polishing and eyebrows polishing. Alcohol based perfumes were building up in Middle East and were brought to Europe in thirteenth century. In seventeenth century, the art of creating new fragrances by blending ingredients was developed in France. At that time the perfumes were made from natural elements & components like flowers, roots, fruits, rinds of barks. Making of perfumes process was so tough at that time and it needs intensive labor and a huge amount of flowers to produce small quantity of fragrance.

The white powder which use for face and for other parts of the body was developed in nineteenth century. It was composed of carbonate, hydroxide and lead oxide. In nineteenth century the lip renders were introduced which called lipstick later and eyeshades for eyes which make one’s eye sparkle.

Antiperspirants and deodorants were first time appeared in 1890 for light fragrant smell of body 24 hours. In early days there were some complaints of skin problems but after improving it continuously uses. In 20th century the commercial cosmetics industry begun his early period and slow and steady it’s started the journey of success. And now the European cosmetics industry is the biggest industry for beauty products in the world.
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What is cosmetic surgery ?


We often heard a word cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery so basically what is this? May be some of us know a lot more about this but I am sure that most of people don’t have correct information about this. Cosmetic surgery is usually executed to correct a physical abnormality or to improve, we can say that this procedure can enhance the normal physical features. Cosmetic surgery is an extremely extensive field that may offer reconstructive surgery for a patient whose skin is damaged in accidents, or in burn or other physical trauma.

Though, cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best known kind of plastic surgery. Most of plastic surgery is not a cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery like hand surgery, micro surgery and the treatment of burns. This technology can also be used to smooth out wrinkles, enlarge breasts, remove fats from the healthy parts of body, or can reshape a nose. In the not so distant past, cosmetic surgery was restricted only to surgery which was absolutely necessary to the health and well-being of the patient- for example, skin grafting for serious burns, reconstructing a dislodged eye, repairing a broken nose or jaw or treating a seemly birth marks on face or on other part of body.

Plastic surgery has many forms and the popular forms are Liposuction in which excessive fat is sucked out of the body with a tube and vacuum device. Another one form is laser facial resurfacing which smoothes lines on the face around the eyes and mouth and removes facial blemishes. Facelift which pulls back the skin around the face, jowls and neck. Breast enlargement is also a form of cosmetic surgery and hair replacement surgery or hair transplantation is also most popular form of plastic surgery in which fills in balding areas using a patient’s own hair. There are many more forms of plastic surgery including variations of these.

A number of people who are interested in plastic surgery note one thing that plastic surgery should think the risks and one thing more that it is, ultimately surgery. Some times the result of surgery may disappoint the doctors and patients and can break their hopes. Recovery of the plastic surgery is just like any other surgery, complete with pain and the possibility of infections. Though cosmetic surgery is an option so the patients must be careful to choose doctors, get hold of several references and keep practical expectations.
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Plus size health problems


At the past time over weight or plus size was a sign of health or we can say that a person who had have the plus size called healthy. But as time passes the people know about health problems and especially the print media and electronic media played a huge role to remove this wrong idea. After media the doctors also eliminate this worse thought and told the people who are plump and chubby that over weight is not a healthy sign for any body whether they are male or female.

Now everybody knows very well that Plus size not only causes many health problems but it is itself a syndrome. Over weight can be a reason for variety of diseases, some of the most serious is high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes. In some cases we often seem that a patients haven’t any symptoms of disease but after diagnosing he/she put on weight or loss weigh like thyroid. In thyroid most of patients loss their weight and a few number of patients can gain weight.

May be a very few number of people know that obesity also create problems to conceive pregnancy means over weight women cannot be pregnant normally like other ladies. Obesity can be a big dilemma before or during pregnancy.

If you are over weight and you think that everything is alright so you are totally wrong because obesity can build up plaque in your arties. Finally, the area where plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot formation at the site. If the clot is close to brain, it can block the flow of blood and oxygen to brain and cause a stroke. The risks of having strokes rise as BMI increases.

Obesity is itself a disease but if you have plus size then you are at augments risks of abnormal blood fats. These contain high levels of triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Abnormal levels of these blood fats are big reason for High Blood Cholesterol.

Diabetes is also a dangerous disease which can occur because of obesity. In diabetes the body blood glucose or blood sugar level is too high and when your blood sugar level goes high then it can be responsible for early death, CHD, stroke, kidney diseases, and blindness. So if you are afraid to die early or scared to be a patient of these hazardous diseases so you should control your weight and eat a health diet and make exercises a part of your life.
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Plus size health problems 2


In the last article which was on the same topic we have read about plus size or plumpness and its health problems. Over weight can cause many diseases and dangerous conditions. We have read that obesity may be reason for heart diseases, blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart failure, and high blood cholesterol or abnormal blood cholesterol etc. now we will learn about more diseases which can happens because of plus size.

Being over weight can bring high the risks of breast cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder cancer and endometrial cancer. Everybody knows that the treatment of cancer is so expensive and also not trustable that the patient will recover or not. Sleep apnea is common disorders in which the patient has one or more gaps in breathing or low breathes while the sleep. A person who has sleep apnea may have more fat stored around the neck. This may narrow the airway, building it hard to breath.

Obesity also can create many problems specially for women’s because when they have plus size. Because of over weight they may have menstrual problems and can face the fertility problems or reproductive difficulties.

Osteoarthritis is a common disease for joints problems like problem of the knees, hips, and lowers back. This situation happens when the tissues which protect the joints wears away. Extra weight may more pressurize the joints and causing more pain in joints. Because of pain the patients even cannot walks, sit or stands up easily and every moment becomes harder then ever.

Metabolic syndrome is a name of the group of risks which linked to plus size or obesity.

These risk factors increase the risk of CHD, stroke, diabetes and other health problems. A diagnosis of Metabolic syndrome is made if a person have these three risk factors like having extra fat in the waist area can high the risks of CHD then having extra fat in the other parts of the body, a higher triglycerides levels which is higher then normal level is, and the third one risk is a lower HDL cholesterol level or low cholesterol level then normal ones. If you have high blood pressure or high blood sugar so these are also risk factors.

Gallstones area hard pieces of stones like hard material formed in the Gallbladder. They are naturally made because of cholesterol. Gallstones can cause abdominal and back pain. The people who are over weight are at the high risks of gallstones. So obesity is dangerous not for only old age people but it is harmful for middle age and teen ages even for children’s. And the only solution is maintaining a normal figure of body and follow the rules for healthy life style.
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What is Self defense ?


Self defense means protection of oneself from physical attack, which cannot be avoided. Self defense is a name of art which can protect us from the sudden attacker or from the person who want to injure us. Self defense a technique which can save us from the assaults of enemy and we can save the others too.

May be a few number of people don’t know that what is self defense? And how it works. In movies we often seen that a bad guy or a couple of men suddenly attacks on the alone girl or men and the girl punch a kick on his sensitive part of body or may be stabs her keys on his eyes or may be throw her purse to his face. So if she done all that so she is protecting her self or we can say doing this in her self defense. A person whether he or she fights to accumulate their selves from dangerous enemy or unexpected invader or mugger called self defense.

Maximum number of people thinks that kicking in marshal art style is self defense but self defense actually means doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks you. Self defense is all about using your intelligence not you fists.

Common men who live in this society and moves in society don’t think about it until he need it. They realize their basic need when they don’t have enough money to hire a security guard or a high tech security services. So in this situation only one way remain left in front of us and that is safety of ourselves through self defense. Some times situation or condition may be so critical or worse that cant be handle for example a girl or a boy caught by many aggressors so how he or she can defend their selves ? Yes only the self defense is a only way to save their selves. In a self defense he or she can run away and save their selves, can throw a purse or a bag on the face of attackers, can punch or kick a person on the sensitive part’s of body and the very last step can use a gun or weapon for saving his/her life from attacker.

But the very best way is that, that you should ran away and reach fast to your car or a safe place where there is crowd and you can be feel safety there. Many self defense specialists have researched and have their strong views that, the self defense is a name of presence of mind. In serious or dangerous situation we can save our selves just because of wisdom not a marshal arts or kung fu , nor other techniques can save us except the presence of mind.
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Self defense techniques when you’re defenseless


Often we heard that some attackers injured a man or women in bazaar, or in street, or near their office or house. Mostly the assailants are armed and violent and have done all the planning’s before harass, on the other hand a person who will be threatened by assailants normally don’t know and he/she is unarmed. So when they attacked suddenly then they got frightened and mostly confused that what to do?

In the situation when aggressor attacks you and hold tightly your both hands then you can use your presence of mind. In this position when attacker is just behind you then you can use your head as your weapon. Just move your head and hit strongly on the face of the attacker. As a result of this act can break the nose and can confuse attacker too much or may be senseless for a while. And when the assailant grab your two most important weapons like your hands and wrists strongly then the other weapon which you can use easily is your legs. You can use your legs as a weapon just hit your leg to attacker’s sensitive part of the body. This act will be more painful for him/her and may be he/she becomes senseless soon.

Your knee or foot can be your big companions in the fight of self defense as I told that a kick of your foot or knee may be injurious for attacker. But at the same time when attacker grabs you and want to hold your hands with something like rope so at that time you can use your elbow for your defense. You can hit your elbow right at the abdomen of aggressor, this act will be aching for him/her and surely he/she will release you because of pain. Your shoulders can also help you in self defense. You can use your both shoulders for the damage of assailant just strikes your shoulder firmly to the assailant’s chest. It may tender him/her and free you for a while. So this is the time when you can run away from a place or may shout for a help or can use your gun or pistol for your self defense. If you are unarmed then don’t lose your confidence on yourself just be brave and face the situation with the presence of mind then you will be successful .
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Suggested diet plan for reducing plus size


Plus size can be a dangerous condition for anybody because heaviness may be a reason for many hazardous or risky diseases. Chubbiness can cause a cancer, diabetes, gallstones, heart diseases, heart failure, osteoarthritis, reproductive problem and many more. If anybody who have plus size or over weight should reduce their extra fat and should maintain their figure. For healthy diet plan they should consult the doctor or nutrition specialist to suggest better diet plan.

A one of successful nutrition specialist told in his interview that he has researched on many patients of obesity and he has noted the same reasons for over weight like they all have the same irregular diet, they haven’t the habit of exercise or walk for an hour, they always feel idleness and a lot more. The doctors or nutrition specialists suggest different diet plans for weight loss.

A few number of physicians suggests that the over weight people should control their selves to eat their favorite foods for example, cheese, chocolate cakes, cookies, fried foods like finger chips, finger fish, chicken, potatoes and rice dishes. Avoiding favorite food is quite difficult but only some efforts can make it possible. And the nutrition’s also suggests using fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Most of healthy foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, whole grain pastas, skim milk, low fat yogurt, fish, salads, pop-corn; light soda, coffee and tea etc are the recommended food for plus size patients who are on diet.

The diet plan is not only based on diet of foods but the regular exercises are also a part. A regular walk of an hour for two times a day is a most advised activity for over weights. Or if the some one’s efforts more means may exercise for further time then it will be most useful for reducing weight. Some physicians provide a list of recommended food and guidelines to their patients for creating meals that are suitable for a quick weight loss. This list allows the dieters to maintain their diet according their life styles. Achieving a goal of maintain figure is not a complicated task but if the patient have confidence and determination then they can defeat the obesity and can get a healthy life forever.
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