Obama: Exponent and symbol of change

In electing Barack Obama as President a decisive majority of Americans has demonstrated a deep desire for fundamental change in US policies at home and abroad. The new administration can be expected to abandon arrogant unilateralism and jingoism in world affairs and adopt responsible postures in order to recapture international respectability. Never in recent history was the United States more disliked by liberal Americans and foreign friends. America has rejected policies of George W.
Bush and NeoCon ideology that envisioned perpetuation of United States as sole superpower and imposition of imperial domination in world affairs. The vote for an Afro-American as President for the first time in US history also illustrates America’s ascent to a higher level of civilization committed to equal human rights irrespective of race and religion.

CHANGE was the leitmotiv of Obama’s election campaign. His pledge to promote equity between the rich and poor and the weak and powerful at home should incline him also to adopt similar aims in world affairs even though decline of the American economy may not permit larger allocations for assistance to developing countries. His eloquent statements during the election campaign have inspired hope that his foreign policy will be guided by respect for the United Nations and its universally recognized principles of international relations. The world community expects the greatest powers to abjure use of force and intimidation and instead provide leadership for consolidation of international peace and cooperation. A more enlightened Secretary of State can help repair the damage done by the arrogant Ms Condoleezza Rice.

Of particular interest to us is Barack Obama’s strategic vision for the Gulf region and policy towards Pakistan. An opponent of the war on Iraq he is committed to withdrawal of US forces from that country by end of 2009. He has also promised to change policy towards Iran and open direct negotiations with its government. While resolved to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Mr. Obama has declared intention to place greater reliance on diplomacy and collective action by major powers to persuade Tehran to break the current deadlock. He cannot ignore the fact that attack on Iranian nuclear installations by the United States or Israel trigger a protracted conflict, destabilize the entire region and interrupt oil supplies from the Gulf that are vital for the economic well-being of many countries.

Only delivery of promised change by the Obama administration can restore respect for the United States. Eloquent promises to change US policy will not command credibility unless the United States renounces doctrines of unilateralism and preemptive use of force reminiscent of a lawless era. The havoc wrought by the Bush administration’s policies is manifest in Iraq. US aggression against this ancient country, destabilized its polity and triggered sectarian strife. A million people are said to have been killed and five millions have been dislocated. If existing laws against war crimes were uniformly enforced there is a case for bringing Mr. George W. Bush to justice.

Obama’s Pakistan policy

In the limelight during the election campaign, Pakistan may be on top of Obama administration’s commitment to intensify the war on terror, liquidation of Al-Qaeda and elimination of threat of another attack on the United States. To that end Mr. Obama is pledged to reinforce US military in Afghanistan and galvanize Pakistan for greater effort. Greater economic support is calculated to persuade Islamabad to expel Al-Qaeda leaders and operative from Pakistan territory and prevent cross-border attacks by Taliban in Afghanistan. Since these objectives are consistent with Pakistan’s own interests, Islamabad can have no objection to their pursuit provided US strategy is consistent with principles of respect for sovereignty.

Mr. Obama’s statement that he would authorize strikes on Pakistan territory has provoked concern among Pakistani observers which are exaggerated because they do not read the nuances of the statement. For his declaration of intent to authorize cross-border attack is explicitly qualified by two conditions - if the US gets information of presence of Osama Bin Laden on Pakistan territory and if Pakistan is unwilling to take action against him. Firstly there is no evidence that OBL is hiding in Pakistan territory. Secondly, there is no reason to doubt Islamabad’s willingness to take action if reliable intelligence identifies his hideout in the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan. Our forces have not hesitated to use forces against Al-Qaeda operatives found on Pakistan territory in the past. Hundreds of them who resisted expulsion were killed or arrested and extradited by Pakistan forces. In contrast the achievements of US, NATO and Afghan forces have been less impressive. Nor has Pakistan been unwilling to do more. What may be lacking is not will but capacity for prompt and effective action. That capacity should be upgraded through cooperation even more than has already been done. Also greater cooperation in intelligence and operational coordination can yield the desired result as well as avoid unnecessary frictions.

Pakistan has equal interest in fighting terrorism because it is a victim of the scourge. Thousands of Pakistanis have been killed or injured by Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists. Destruction of property and infrastructure has assumed grievous proportions. Pakistan has deployed a hundred thousands soldiers to eliminate terrorists. More than 1500 of them have embraced martyrdom. The campaign against them commands national consensus. The resolution unanimously adopted by our parliament on October 22 declares that ‘extremism, militancy and terrorism pose a grave danger to the stability and integrity of the nation-state’ and ‘the nation stands united to combat this growing menace.’

Mr. Obama can be confidently expected to take Pakistan’s sensitivities into account. He and Vice President-elect Joseph Biden are both friends of Pakistan in word and deed. They are co-sponsors of a bill in the US Senate that calls for increase in economic support to Pakistan to fifteen billion dollars for the next ten years. Its object is to enable our government to spread education and enlightenment without which we cannot eradicate extremism and terrorism. US cooperation is indispensable for Pakistan’s security and economic development. A provident policy should therefore strive to sustain mutual goodwill, promote better understanding and prevent misunderstanding

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